Monday, February 4, 2013

Is news channels guiding us in right way ?

Just go back to 15 – 20 years. Having a TV was so difficult during those days. That was the time when only 1 channel was operational. I hope you all know which channel is that. People were so eagerly waiting for that 1 movie which used to come on weekends. There used to be pin drop silence during the National news hours as elder people used to listen it with so much interest. There was a great passion for just half hour National news telecasted. That was because news was telecasted with a High value.

Come back to the present day. We have multiple TVs, N number of channels, more and more options as days goes on. To the surprise we have too many news channels, that to 24x7 hours of continuous telecasting. Do you really think all the news which gets telecast has a value? Does all news channels guiding people properly? Does people getting proper information? 

TV news channels are such a powerful messengers. During the time when Indians were struggling for Indian Independence media has played a very important role. For the benefit of citizens of our country great people have contributed in bringing up the media. Looking at the present media do you really think media is keeping its value in the message it is passing?

Looks like many news channels are behind TRP. Looks like the current attitude is "whatever the program is, which will give more TRP should be telecasted" is the motto for some news channels. In some cases without even thinking the after effects news channels publish it. In some cases without even thinking whether this information is needed to citizens they are publishing it. In some cases without even thinking whether it is real some news channels are telecasting.As there are N numbers of channels ,competition has started in media world. If one channel supports X, another channel support enemy of X. It is really difficult to make a decision to follow which channel. If X says Y has cheated me. T channel supports X, U channel supports Y. U channel finds negative of X and T channels find negatives of U. If one channel supports one political party another supports another. Seeing this whom should people support?
Note: This happens especially in regional news channels.

I am not telling all news channels/all programs doesn't have value, there are few programs which has  very good value and few news channels are really doing good, But yes because of some channels/programs getting telecasted people start loosing faith in media, It will become like an entertainment media. Hope news channels doesn't go to such extent.

News channels are powerful mass media. Hope it doesn't loose its power.