Saturday, December 1, 2012

A for Apple

As everyday it was a busy morning, I was in hurry to get ready. As breakfast was not ready I gulped a glass of milk and I could hear my dad saying me to have an apple.

I went to take an apple and my dad quoted "An apple everyday keeps the doctor away. The moment he said that I remembered an updated quote of the same and was smiling.That is "Visiting a doctor and paying 200Rs visiting  charge is better than paying 600Rs for apple every month."

I stopped smiling and now was concentrating on the taste of apple. I felt the taste of apple has dramatically changed a lot. It is not the same old apple which I used to like. Taste has decreased and price of it has increased.

Whatever apple may turn out , it will not give its first rank to anyone.I mean it will always stay in A,B,C,D............ A for apple!

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