Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Chicken: My love

My favourite dish is Chicken. I just love it madly. Even if chicken is served everyday I would just hog and enjoy it to the maximum. I don't know what exactly is embedded in chicken that is tastes so good. I feel pity on vegetarians that they are missing such an awesome taste which they would have never imagined. 

Vegetarians verse Non vegetarians fights are very common in this world. I have had best fun while debating on this issue.

If a vegetarian says "You are killing a living bird for your food", I used to reply back saying "All plants are living beings, just because it cant speak you cannot harm them, Stop eating from today". 

If a vegetarian says "You are having egg through which you are avoiding a new life", I used to reply back saying "You guys are having food of calf, that is milk, you guys are reason for hunger"

There was no end for debates. May be my love towards chicken was bringing those words. If one understands the famous theory "Survival of this fittest" there wouldn't be any such fights.

Now don't be surprise after reading the lines below. Just wish me luck.

Sometimes one should give a try controlling their extreme likes because too much attachment is too bad :)

So here I am making my new resolution to reduce my love towards chicken. Let this resolution be a reason to explore tastes of veg!


1 comment:

  1. You read people's mind. Many people (I am one of them) defend their habit of eating non veg by giving exactly the same reasons. Great people think alike but fools seldom differ. :P
