Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1 2012: Day went with networking.

Sharp 8.30am landed at office. Had my breakfast at cafeteria as usual and got back to my seat. As there was no work for today I thought how to make use of the day. Then came the idea of reading about Networking Domain which was my favorite subject during engineering. 

I opened web browser and typed Goddess Saraswathi – That’s GOOGLE ;). For Non-Indians: We Indians believe Saraswathi  as Goddess of knowledge. 

I typed networking domain and hit ENTER. There I saw the below link Got into the web page and I was exploring I started learning from Concepts were explained in a very good manner and in a simple way. Any beginner will go in love with this link.

Continuously I read 7 chapters. I didn’t get to know how  time passed. That interesting it was. 
I should thank the author Brien M. Posey for such nice article.

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