Painted by Swathi Medavaram |
I generally have a habit of reading newspaper while going to office in bus. I just started reading it. Read few columns and then I saw a headline which stated physiotherapist gang raped in moving bus. Oh god! That was my first reaction. In past 2 months this is the 3rd gang rape case. Felt really sad and started reading
more information on the incident. As I started reading, I had tears in my eyes. Somehow I controlled the emotions as I don’t like others noticing me being emotional. For more information, read page 7 was the last line written. Went to page 7 started reading, but trust me I couldn't read it completely. I felt so sad that I stopped reading in the mid. I just closed newspaper and kept it aside. For a while I just closed my eyes, but the things I read were sliding inside the closed lids.
Panited by Shilpa Chandrappa |
I just remembered Gandhi’s statement “Our Nation will have achieved true independence and freedom when a woman can walk in the midnight all alone and feels safe”. Are we really Independent? May be a YES will come out of Men, but what about a Woman? For the girls/woman who is reading this, Can you confidently say that you have got independence? If your answer is NO, Should we go and fight for independence? Can you become a freedom fighter for your safety? In the present world where technologies/Share markets/dollar value is booming, do you really have time to fight for your freedom? If your answer is NO for this question then we have got only one solution.
That is Precaution is better than anything! I cannot say Precaution is better than cure in this case as there is no question of cure.
May be now we can recall the statement which we used to listen by our elders:” come home before 6pm”. It’s time to put a break for late night parties/ late night roaming/Attending functions late night. If your home is in remote area and if you need to walk from bus stop to home, call your dad/mom/brother to accompany you. Take all precautions to avoid incidents which cannot be cured. For girls who work late night think a second what is important? Prioritize things in life.
I am not giving assurance if we follow this we are completely safe. But the chances are very less.
Many Big people say we have given freedom to woman, woman is secure etc. Believe me, when no one can know what happens how one can provide security. We should be independent; we should not depend on someone for security.
Be careful to be cheerful. That’s all we can do.
Very true, women are not safe in our society.