Friday, April 5, 2013

Do you want to work after marriage? Do you know cooking?

Do you want to work after marriage? Do you know cooking?

These are guys favourite question while talking to the girl during marriage proposal.

The confusion here is what exactly their intention while asking these questions. Are they asking these just because “they don’t have anything else to talk” or “their friends asked same questions while they were seeing proposals” or “they just want to know” or “they do not want their girl to struggle at office” or “they don’t want girl to work anymore and just cook at home”.

If their intention is last one why can’t they marry a girl having just basic knowledge, why do they need a girl with single/double degree? If they are marrying just because the girl knows to cook and want to enjoy the dishes she prepares, why can’t they hire a good cook instead? 

When these types of questions are shot at us a thought comes to the mind, “why did our parents struggle so much to provide us  good education and why did we struggle so much to get a good college/study well/get a good job/etc ?” Just to stay at home cooking?

I am not saying all educated women should work or I want to work.At times even I feel like “why should i  work, let me stay relaxed at home”. As long as there is work life balance definitely women should work and we should make use of what we have learnt. Women can make a decision on whether to work or not.....depends on the situation.

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