Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Morning Mist Raid

Over 20 activists from Jagarana Vedike raided the Morning Mist Home Stay at Padil, Mangalore. Activists assaulted girls and boys parting at the place. They thrashed and manhandled a group of girls and boys who were at the party. Activists were seen slapping and bashing the head of girls and pulling them roughly even as they tried to escape.

Jagarana Vedike says they were planning for RAVE party; girls were dressed indecently, found alcohol. So they say wanted to stop them from doing that.

Is that the way to stop them? If we see the videos ( ) of the raid it feels really sad. The activists don’t have humanistic value. It’s a big shame.

What is the result going to be?

1. Will youth stop following western culture after this issue?

                If they are so much against western culture let them do once again “Swadeshi Movement”; let them boycott western products etc. Let them find out what is the reason that western culture is influencing so much, Let them take measures to control that.This is a democratic country. Not a communist or dictatorship one. Each individual has his/her own rights. But those rights should be bound to Law.

2. How about those people’s future? How their parents will feel?

                As seen in video those guys were just sitting in the veranda. Were they caught red hand? No. Then why those activists slapped/misbehaved with those girls? What is the proof of those guys were really planning for Rave party? Without any proof blaming on them is really saddening part. Few news channels didn’t even hide their (Youths) faces. One should have thought about their future/how their parents feel if their children are blamed or shown that way.

3. Few leaders are talking about dress code.

                Is their any law that one dress according to the rules? I agree that one should dress decently. If you go to commercial street/brigade/Forum/Garuda Mall don’t you find people dressing in western style? How about film stars? Is their any license issued to them that they can dress such way? Why not stooping them? One should understand that dressing sense is a personal choice; how you want to showcase yourself is in your hands. Showcase in such a way it will increase your respect.

If those activists really concerned about stopping western cultures influence on India, let them find out root cause and try to stop that. In this case, if they were really involved in illegal/bad activities, they should have reported to the concerned people (in this case police). No one has rights to take laws into their hands. This doesn’t mean I am supporting Western culture/Guys who were partying. As an Indian I value for individuals rights/respect and I strongly condemn the way activists behaved with girls.

1 comment:

  1. India really needs such awakened, young youth who understand that every individual has his own tastes and interests!
    Dress code controversies portray India to be a very immature country where people do not respect eachother's style and way of living. We should move beyond this and start working on other pending important concerns.
    very well written Shilpa! :) Applause :)
